Hello Parents,
Keep up to date with the latest news, events and notices on our Facebook Page (closed group) and the website for any news or notices.
There will also be notices at the Playgroup about any particular issues you need to know about.
Remember to keep your contact information up to date with the Playgroup so we can contact you if necessary!
If you have any questions – please ask any member of staff – they will be happy to help.
Playgroup Number: 07816 358342
Colin the caterpillar and our butterfly moments
This is Colin the Caterpillar he spends all his time watching over us a playgroup ……….he observes us all being respectful of each other , sharing our toys and all our achievements . He now has a new job that supports our rights respecting values and commitment by ensuring that we are all aware of
Fundamental British values:-
Democracy ( making decisions, turn taking, sharing )
Rule of law (positive behaviour, distinguishing right from wrong )
Individual Liberty (positive sense of themselves , understanding different opinions)
Mutual respect and tolerance (people and communities , valuing the diversity of children’s experiences)
If your child has achieved any of these values whilst they are at home please can you record it on one of our butterflies and we will talk about it at circle time and display with Colin the Caterpilar.
When Your Child Is Sick
Safeguarding & Welfare Requirements: Health
The provider must promote the good health or the children attending the setting. They must have a procedure discussed with parents and carers, for responding to children who are ill or infectious, take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection, and take appropriate action if a child is ill.
We aim to promote good health in all children who attend the setting through preventing cross-infection of viruses and bacterial infections and through identifying allergies and preventing contact with the allergenic substance. At least half of our staff hold a Paediatric First Aid Certificate and are therefore able to administer First Aid treatment in the event of an accident. We always ensure that at least one member of staff with current Paediatric First Aid training is on the premises and we ensure that at least one member of staff with current Paediatric First Aid training accompanies the children on outings. While it is not our policy to care for sick children, who should be at home until they are well enough to return to the setting, we will agree to administer prescribed medication as part of our commitment to maintaining their health and well-being, or when they are recovering from an illness.
Individual Child’s Health
Children who are unwell should not attend Pre-school. Please do not bring your child if they are suffering from any infectious diseases, for example:
Your doctor will advise you when your child is no longer infectious. If you have any doubts whatsoever about whether your child should come to Pre-school, please ring us before you leave home so that our staff can advise you.
Sickness or Diarrhoea
We always ask you to wait 48 hours since the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea before you bring your child back to Pre-school.
If your Child Becomes Unwell at Pre-school
We will contact you as soon as possible and ask you to collect your child. If we cannot get hold of you, we will contact other emergency numbers that you have given us permission to contact. In extreme cases, we will phone for an ambulance.
Whilst waiting for the child to be collected we will ensure that s/he is looked after by their Key Person. The Key Person will continually monitor the child and ensure that s/he is as comfortable as possible. In the case of a child having a high temperature, they will be kept cool.
Parents will be asked to disclose any information about allergies when they complete their child’s Early Years Forms before the child first attends the Pre-school. This information will be passed to all members of staff, and prominently displayed if appropriate.
From Jan 2015 all establishments have to display a Allergen poster to parents/carers and record on a daily basis what the children may have come into contact with or eaten at snack time.
Prescribed Antibiotics /Medication
Parents/carers will be asked to keep their child at home for the first 48 hours when prescribed antibiotics. Children taking prescribed antibiotics/medication must be well enough to attend the setting. Antibiotics / medication must be clearly labelled and in original container. Medicine must be in-date and prescribed for current condition.
The Medicines will be kept in a container in the fridge out of reach of all children.
No child may self-administer. Where children are capable of understanding when they need medication, they should be encouraged to tell their key person what they need.
In line with DfES Legislation around Managing Medicines in Schools and Early Years Settings (DfES, 2005) and Early Years Foundation Stage guidance, we are unable to administer any medicines unless they are prescribed by your GP.
We are also required by DfES Legislation to implement Health Care Plans for children with long term medical conditions, such as Asthma. These plans will include information on your child’s medical needs, the action you would like us to take in the event of a medical emergency and any follow up care needed. The health care plan is reviewed every six months or more if necessary. This includes reviewing the medication, e.g. changes to the medication or the dosage, any side effects noted etc. Parents receive a copy of the health care plan and each contributor, including the parent, signs it.
If your child develops a medical condition during their time at Pre-school, please inform your child’s Key Person as soon as possible. The Manager, Ann Tobin, will be the designated medical needs person and will be responsible for attending relevant training sessions and implementing Health Care Plans. Parents of children with existing medical conditions will be asked to complete a Health Care Plan with their Key Person.
A risk assessment is carried out for each child with long term medical conditions that require ongoing medication. This is the responsibility of the Manager alongside the Key Person. Other medical or social care personnel may need to be involved in the risk assessment. Parents will also contribute to a risk assessment. For some medical conditions key staff will need to have training in a basic understanding of the condition.
If your child has been prescribed medicine by the doctor (this includes antibiotics that need to be taken during the Pre-school day), you will be asked to sign a permission form that authorises staff to administer medicine and states the dosage and time given.
The form will be signed and dated by the staff member who administered the medicine, and parents/carers will be asked to sign the form on collection of their child, acknowledging the return of any unused medication if applicable.
Managing Medicines on Trips and Outings
If children are going on outings, staff accompanying the children will include the key person for the child with a risk assessment, or another member of staff who is fully informed about the child’s needs and/or medication.
Head Lice
Children with head lice will not be excluded from the setting. However, we expect parents to be vigilant and take appropriate action to address the situation. In exceptional cases, a parent may be asked to keep the child away from the setting until the infestation has cleared. If you identify a case of head lice, we advise that all family members are treated. Please ask any member of staff for a head lice information leaflet if you require more guidance on how to treat your child.
Accidents or Injuries
Unfortunately accidents and injuries do sometimes occur at home and at the Pre-school. All accidents in the Pre- school are recorded on an Accidents Form. We record the date, time, details of where the accident happened, description of the accident, and description of injury, care given and by whom. The form is signed and dated by a member of staff and parents/carers will be asked to sign and date the form on collection of their child. Should your child suffer a bang to the head you will be given a head injury letter. If your child arrives at the Pre-school with an injury you will be asked to fill out a Pre-existing Injury Form. We will record brief details of how the injury and how it was sustained, and advisable action to be taken as a result of the injury.
If your child has a serious accident needing urgent medical attention we will inform you immediately and take the child to hospital via ambulance
There will always be at least one member of staff on the premises at all times who holds a current Paediatric First Aid Certificate
The Pre-school will ensure that the First Aid equipment is kept clean, replenished and replaced as necessary – sterile items will be kept sealed in their packages until needed
The First Aid boxes will be checked on a monthly basis by the designated Health and Safety Co- ordinatorContents of First Aid boxes are determined by up to date guidance from Paediatric First Aid Training provided by our training partners.
Our insurance automatically includes children with any disability or all
Adverse Weather
Hello Parents,
We are currently updating this policy.
However, any queries or calls please call Ann or one of the Playgroup Leaders on 07816 358342.
Keep an eye on our website, Facebook page and notices at Playgroup. Don’t forget to look in your little one’s bag for letters from Playgroup.
Please ensure your contact details are up to date with us. So we can contact YOU!
Emergency Procedures
Keep up to date with the latest news, events and notices on our Facebook Page (closed group) and the website for any news or notices.
There will also be notices at the Playgroup about any particular issues you need to know about.
Remember to keep your contact information up to date with the Playgroup so we can contact you if necessary!
If you have any questions – please ask any member of staff – they will be happy to help.
Playgroup Number: 07816 358342